
july is passing me by very quickly.  it's half over already, and i don't know how to cope.  i haven't done nearly as much personal work as i had planned to.  i never do.  every summer is supposed to be a period of unbridled creativity and productivity.  every summer ends up a being a period of average creativity and productivity.  what can i do to change this?  well, i suppose i can do more work.  that would be a good start.  i could come up with some more ideas, or execute some of the ideas i've been sitting on.  okay, i'll do those things.  i'll execute at least one of the ideas idling in my head this week.  i will need some help though.   i guess i need to make some phone calls.  it's terrible to need the help of others, but sometimes it's necessary.  
last night someone called me a nigger while i was walking to the bus stop.  that man was full of blind hatred.  he was also really drunk.  i think his goal was to scare me.  he didn't scare me.  he disgusted me.  i was hoping he would touch me so i would have an excuse to punch him in his stupid face, or kick his nut sack with my robo-boot.  does that make me a bad person?  i honestly believe some people need to get punched in the face sometimes.  he didn't touch me, so i didn't punch him.  i walked past him and wished him good luck.  

i've started watching a tv show called flight of the conchords.  shit is funny.  it's about these two guys from new zealand who are in a band - a two person band.  every time something happens on the show they break into these great songs with casio drum beats in the background and funny lyrics.  it's wicked gimmicky, but entertaining.  marleen is in holland right now, so she hasn't seen them yet, and i think she'll want to.  i don't have a problem watching the episodes again.  you should watch them too. 

earlier today i played tetris for a little while.  i did much better than i ever remember myself doing, but once i got to the really fast level i couldn't cope and my game self-destructed.  it was bad.  i tried again, and the same thing happened.  i won't be practicing or anything, but i think if i played more, i could get really good.  that would be a worthwhile endeavor, now wouldn't it?

before playing tetris i went to a mini car show.  it was awesome.  there were all kinds of little cars, like original mini copers and citroens, and nashs, and all manner of little cars.  lots of weird and wild stuff.  i liked it.  i think you would have liked it too.  i should have brought a camera with me.  well, i did bring one, but i opted for my super 8 instead of a still camera.  i can post a movie of it here once i get the film processed and transferred, but for now you will have to imagine lots of tiny cars with full sized people in them.    

i think i need to go to bed.  

yours truly, 
jim turbert   

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