
The pain.
In a few short weeks I will be visiting the U.S.  Specifically, I will be visiting CT.  Unfortunately, I will not be spending much time anywhere except for Winsted, CT.  I'd like to hang out in Boston a bit, and I'd also like to go to NYC, but that will not happen on this trip.  ( here's the painful part)  Since I will be flying into Boston, my plan is to rent a car, and drive to Winsted or have my sister pick me up.  On the way home I plan on stopping at Blue Ribbon Barbecue to feast on glorious beef brisket.  I can almost smell it.  I've been thinking about it all day.  Do you know what it is like to be a mail man who can't get his mind off of brisket?  I can't imagine that you have any idea how painful it is.  There are some nice things to eat here, but nothing that the dutch have to offer compares to delicious beef brisket (they do have fantastic cheese though, and oliebollen!!!  So good.).  The worst part is that I have to make dinner now, and I know that nothing I make will compare to the treacherous thoughts in my head.
The pain.
I also want to get good hamburgers and steaks while I am home.  Maybe some Mexican food.

That brings me to the next thought in my head.  It is a far less torturous thought, and it doesn't (necessarily) involve food.  I'll be in Winsted from December 4 until December 14.  If you grew up with me, and are currently living in Winsted or the surrounding area, would you let me know if you are interested in being a part of a photo project?  Even if you didn't grow up with me, and somehow stubbled upon this blog, feel free to contact me as well.  That would be awesome.

Best wishes,
Jim Turbert

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